Why Do HMO’s?
The short answer is because of the MASSIVE cash flow they can generate. With the right model in place, you can literally retire on just one property, which is why you should – in my humble opinion - be using HMO’s as a key part of your property strategy.
Some of my HMO’s produce 20 times the profit of some of my single lets, and with that type of income, you only need 1 good HMO property to effectively retire!
Let’s look a this is little closer – the average salary in the UK is around £24,000 a year, so if you have one HMO that cashflows £2,000 per month (for example), this is equates to the average salary in the UK, on just one property! On top of that, using my Cash Flow Maximisation Secrets, to literally make extra money out of thin air (which I’ll cover in a future article), you can easily add a further £2,000-£3,000pa on top of this, pushing the income towards £27,000pa, which is MORE more than the average UK salary!
Not bad for one house!
Now think of it in these terms, and I’m going to work to round numbers here, but if each HMO property makes you a clear £20,000 a year profit, how many do you need?
....then how many do you want?
The lifestyle that these properties can help you create is nothing short of astonishing. Imagine this, 3 HMO’s, £60,000 a year income, working literally a couple of hours a week. Think about what you’d do when you not only have the income, but you also have your time back!
I can honestly say that my life has changed since I did my first HMO and I’ve never looked back. Yes, I’ve made some mistakes and yes I’ve worked hard to make my model better and better over the years – it used to ‘only’ be £1,000 profit, per property, per month! – but now each HMO I buy will deliver me around £20,000 a year profit.
So, now you know ‘why’ you want to do HMO’s! – largely because of the lifestyle, family time, holidays and quality of life you can achieve with literally just one or two properties.
I’ll be talking more abut the different types/markets of HMO’s in my next article, but if you really want to get results fast, if you want to learn how to take simple houses and transform them into lifetime cash machines, and you want to know how to get these houses for ‘free’ (ie using none of your won money, with no need for you to get a mortgage or put a deposit down today), then keep an eye out for my additional free training resources, videos and blogs.